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  • 简   称:韩国Incyto C-Chip一次性血球计数板
  • 更新日期:2020/5/4 9:56:52


韩国Incyto一次性细胞计数板DHC-N01-5,进口Incyto一次性血球计数板 DHC-N01,INCYTO一次性计数板



  • 一次使用

  • 轻便,牢不可破

  • 不需要盖玻片

我们的一次性血细胞计数器由耐用塑料制成,可用于手动细胞计数。它由两个表面带图案的高 100μm 的密封舱组成,带两个样品注入端口。这是对传统玻璃细胞计数器的显著改进。一次使用可以减少接触潜在传染物质的风险,消除清洁和工作干扰,提高工作效率

韩国Incyto一次性细胞计数板DHC-N01-5,进口Incyto一次性血球计数板 DHC-N01,INCYTO一次性计数板

The C-Chip disposable hemocytometer is used for manual cell counting. In research settings, it helps to determine cell concentration prior to cell passage, or to assess cell viability following drug treatment; cell counting solution is essential. Obtaining accurate cell counts can be critical when seeding cells for propagation and experimentation.

Accuracy of manual counts with a hemocytometer depends on:

  • Accurate mixing of the sample (no bubbles)

  • Number of cells counted (practical: 200-500 per 0.1 mm3)

In a conventional glass hemocytometer, improper fitting of the chamber and coverslip changes the volume of the sample introduced into the chamber. C-Chip’s chamber with integrated coverslip solves the problem.  It is a good standard practice to use a disposable hemocytometer for clinical labs and laboratories dealing with infectious materials. It is safer.

DHC-N01, C-Chip disposable hemacytometer, has two precision engineered individual counting chambers (100 mm depth) with integrated cover slip. The chamber has ports for sample loading. Neubauer Improved (NI) grid pattern is embedded in each chamber.  Each grid pattern has nine large squares each measuring 1 x 1 mm and a total counting area of 3 x 3 mm.


  • Mammalian cell

  • Blood analysis (Hematology): Blood cell counting

  • Cell culture: Cell concentration measurement, Cell viability

Outer SizeWidth 25mm x Length 75mm x Thickness 1.6mmChamber Depth0.1 mmChamber Volume10 µl


The full grid on a hemocytometer contains 9 squares, each of which is 1 mm square.  Large cells are counted using the four large corner squares (and the middle one).  If you use a dense suspension of small cells, the four 1/25 sq. mm corners plus the middle square in the central square are used.

The grid consists of 9 large squares, each measuring 1 x 1 mm, and a chamber depth of 0.1 mm.  Each square has a total volume of 0.1 mm3 or 10-4cm3.  The central square is divided into 25 small squares with triple lines and four corner squares are divided into 16 small squares.

Each large square has a surface area of 1.0mm2, and the depth of the chamber is 0.1mm.  As there are 1000 mm3 per ml, each large square represents a volume of 0.0001ml, so that it is equal to 1/ 0.0001ml = 10,000 = (104)

韩国Incyto一次性细胞计数板DHC-N01-5,进口Incyto一次性血球计数板 DHC-N01,INCYTO一次性计数板

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